Renewal Playbooks
Are you achieving your renewal targets?
SOAR creates clarity and scalability through renewal playbooks. Playbooks include renewal process, roles, responsibilities, handoffs, and timing.
Renewal Value Messaging
Can your customers articulate why they should renew?
SOAR creates clarity and scalability through renewal value messaging playbooks.
Renewal Conversation Skills Training
How effective are your sales and customer success teams in driving renewals?
SOAR builds effective renewal conversation skills across your sales and customer success teams.
Customer Value Model and Assessment
Do your customers recognize the value your organization is delivering?
SOAR value realization, value assessment, and capture playbooks support customer success teams in positioning value delivered.
Customer Value Realization and Capture Playbooks
Do your customers recognize the value your organization is delivering?
SOAR value realization and capture playbooks support customer success teams in positioning value delivered.
Organization Design – Customer Success, Sales
Are your customer success and sales organizations set up to maximize retention and renewal?
SOAR customer success organization design creates clarity on roles and responsibilities to drive maximum retention and renewal.
Retention Analysis
Have factors driving retention and at-risk accounts been identified?
SOAR designs retention analysis to focus customer success and sales teams on driving retention.