Webinar: Driving Breakthrough Growth Within the Customer Base
As we move through 2023, there are many forces making new customer acquisition a challenge:
Frozen budgets
More decision makers involved
Higher scrutiny of new investments and suppliers
As a result, organizations are making growing within the customer base a priority. In this webinar, learn:
The five reasons organizations struggle with account growth
How to build an effective customer expansion program
How to operationalize customer expansion within your CRM
Re-Start Your Growth Engines: XaaS & Your Existing Customers – Webinar
Subscription and XaaS offers are clearly powering the growth of the technology industry (and even other industries). The best way to achieve profitable growth in Subscription models is by driving more revenue from your existing customers, and aggressively migrating them to your subscription and hybrid offers. The strategy, methods and tactics required to grow existing customers in subscription models are very different than the ones required under the traditional transactional approach to selling technology. You’ll need to have a plan to migrate your customers to your new offerings, and grow them once they get there.
Creating Value Based Relationships with Customer Success – Webinar
Every business has customers that acknowledge in a deep and tangible way the value created through working together. These value based relationships are extremely difficult to develop, but have a huge impact on long-term customer success. In this webinar, learn how Recorded Future:
Q1 is Over: Best Practices to Ensure You Make Your Number – Webinar Recording
It’s here! Q1 is over! After sales kickoffs (SKOs), closing slipped deals from Q4, and club trips, the numbers are in.
Some leaders are feeling great. Others are having a tough day.
Either way, the question isn’t how Q1 went, but what you are going to do to make this year’s number.
In this webinar, hear what top revenue leaders are doing coming out of Q1 to make sure that they hit their goals for the coming quarters and the entire year.