Do you believe Revenue Kickoff (RKO) events are a critical catalyst for a great sales year?

Most revenue leaders see RKO as an opportunity to: celebrate successes in the prior year, set the direction for the coming year, learn and upskill, and build relationships.

With such positive intent, why are so many RKO events letdowns?

At SOAR, we’ve had the privilege of participating in so many kickoff events we have lost count! We have experienced everything from an event with thousands of sellers at the Bellagio in Las Vegas to an event with twelve sellers at their headquarter office. We always love the opportunity to support our customers at RKO.  However, we have seen some things that work better than others.

With that in mind, we would like to offer 9 stumbling blocks to a successful RKO event, with practical tips to ensure your RKO event catapults you toward success in the new year.

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