Why does your organization need a sales methodology? Why should you consider using our sales methodology in your organization?

This 50 page eBook presents the SOAR Value Creation Selling Methodology.

We have outlined the key processes, tools, and skills needed for your sellers to engage more effectively with buyers, creating value with every buyer interaction.


PDF Download: Creating Value For Your Buyers (50 pages)


From a quantitative perspective, organizations that have deployed Value Creation Selling have seen increases in sales performance between 10-20%. Through an independent study conducted by a SOAR client, this represented over $200,000 per sales rep.

On the qualitative side, the SOAR Value Creation Selling Methodology will allow your sellers to differentiate themselves from other sellers. According to Forrester, a leading customer focused research firm, 83% of executives perceive that sales professionals do not understand their business. Our methodology ensures your sellers are not part of that 83%.